Thursday, March 17, 2011

Cosby Show!!!

Ok, so seriously, the Cosby Show really is one of the best shows that has ever been made. Andre and I received the first 2 seasons on DVD, and we both agreed that it's funny, wholesome, and has some really good parenting tips.
One thing I really noticed was that Clare laughs a lot. She has a great sense of humor when it comes to her children and her husband, and she doesn't seem to sweat the small stuff. I really want to adopt more of this mentality. I want to remember that life is too short, to pick my battles, and to love my kids with all that I have inside me. They are growing so fast that it's scary. Nikita is going to be 9 in a few months, and Noah is almost 3 and a half. I don't want to miss anything, AND I want to enjoy it all. :)

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Basically 33 Weeks!!!

Here I am at 32 weeks and 5 days!
And of course, there's Noah as well.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Love the Chub!!!

A friend of mine found this picture recently. I put it on facebook, so many of you might have already seen it, but I just can't get enough of it. Noah has no neck, and his legs look like kobasa. I love fat babies, and as we're getting ready to have our next one (I'm 32 weeks!), I'm realizing that my love for fat babies is only true once they come out! :) We have already been told that this little guy inside me isn't little at all. Well, I didn't expect much different, so I'm not super suprised! More to love, I guess. :)