Monday, November 16, 2009

Where in the world are the Kravtsovs?

I do think that our family could be on Amazing Race. I've only seen it once, but with all the traveling we've done, we'd be set. :)
In the past 4 months, we have been to 17 States with the children in tow. Nikita has gotten quite the American history lesson as we've driven through the plains, the mountains, visited the ocean and quite a few monuments in Washington DC.
We have been training for the ministry, finding more Home Team members, and spending time with family and friends. We are so grateful to all who have hosted us and who have spent time with us throughout our travels.
It's November now, and we're in the process of finding the perfect tickets to go back to Ukraine in January as well as finalizing Lindsay's side of Nikita's adoption (November 24th), spending the holidays with family and finding more Home Team members. We are super excited about all that God has done in the past 4 months and what we believe He will do in the next 2 before we leave for our other home.
Praise God for His provision in all ways!

Friday, November 13, 2009

To Miss

According to

miss- to regret the absence or loss of

I miss my brother. It doesn't hit me hard everyday, but it does still hit me. It's been over a year since he passed away, and I wish he were here. I miss his quick wit and one liners. I miss his calm way with his daughter. I miss him making fun of me (however much it used to annoy me, I miss it now). I miss his presence.

regret- to think of with a sense of loss

I definitely regret the absence of my brother. I do feel a sense of loss. I am sad. I know that many may think that goes without saying. But sometimes, just to say these things makes it easier in some way.