Thursday, November 10, 2011

Cozy Cottage

After leaving my parents house at 18, I moved around a lot!!! I was in different dorm rooms, apartments, Thailand and Ukraine. I never lived in the same place for more than 1 year and 3 months consecutively. Wow, that's a lot of moving!
But, (drum roll please.....) we have now lived in our apartment for 1 year and 8 months!!! So, I missed the anniversary a little, but the points still remains, I have finally put down some roots! I feel good about this. However, I never, out of all the places that we have moved to, would have thought that this would be the place where my roots would grow.
I mean, I don't really love everything about this place: it's far from town; it's got an "open floor plan" which many prefer, but when you have little overall space it's nice to have it seperated out a bit; we have caught a lot of mice, gross; and there are many other little querks about it that I could live without. However, our neighbors have been a huge blessing. Even just tonight, we had a neighbor friend of Nikita and Noah's over for dinner. And as I'm typing, the neighbor upstairs is down here fixing one of our light sockets. (This same neighbor shovels our walk and the cement in front of our garage in the winter and puts down sand so we won't slip. Huge blessing! :)
Many people have come to our house and said that they thought it was "cozy." I guess as I think of it, they might be right. Maybe that's why I have grown to love it. It is cozy. It's our little cozy cottage in the middle of what can be cold, grey Ukraine. It's a place where we can have a cup of hot chocolate, watch a movie (the kids' favorite is a toss up between Mighty Ducks and Little Rascals right now) and just be together. It's our home, and it feels great! Praise God for some roots!